Steps to Calories Calculator

Written by Noleen Arendse
Reviewed by Gareth Chapman

As a general rule of thumb, it takes 20 to 25 steps to burn one calorie or 1 step burns about 0.04 calories.

Most people burn about 100 calories per mile or 2,250 steps of walking.

Use the below calculator to estimate your own calories burned from steps taken

Steps to calories calculator

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How many calories does walking burn?​

One step burns about 0.04 calories. It takes about 20 to 25 steps to burn 1 calorie. You burn about 100 calories per mile, which is about 2,250 steps

Steps to calories

If you know the distance you’ve walked in miles or kilometers use our calculator to estimate your calories burned walking. Compare that to the calories burned running to see the difference.

Easy steps to calories table

The average height and weight for women in the USA is 5.3ft and 170lbs. For men, the average height and weight is 5.8ft and 199lbs. [1]

Use this easy steps-to-calories table to see the amount of calories burned walking using the average height and weight for US women and men.


The more steps you take, the more calories you burn. 

How many calories burned in 1,000 steps?

On average, 1,000 steps will burn between 40 to 50 calories depending on your body weight, age, height (for stride length), and walking pace.  

How many calories does 5,000 steps burn?

Walking 5,000 steps a day can burn between 195 to 246 calories depending on the individual. If you consistently walk 5,000 steps a day, it can help with gradual weight loss, especially if you’ve adjusted your diet. 

For example, if the average US woman walks 5,000 steps 5 days a week, she can burn about 975 calories. Over a month, this is about 3,900 calories. Generally, a pound of fat weighs 3,500 calories, so walking 5 days a week over a month can help you lose about a pound. 

It’s important to remember that you can’t out-walk a bad diet. The best way to lose weight is to focus on eating healthy whole foods, cutting out unnecessary sugars, and increasing your activity. For more on this, read: How many calories should I eat to lose weight?

How many calories are burned in 8,000 steps?

Walking 8000 steps will burn between 300 to 400 calories, depending on your weight. If you walk at a casual pace, it will take about 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Use our calculator to see how long to walk a mile, to work out how long it takes to walk other distances.

How many calories do 10,000 steps burn?

Walking 10,000 steps can burn about 400 to 500 calories. If you walk this distance three times a week, you can potentially lose excess body fat of about 1½ pounds in a month. You’ll also experience improved health, increased endurance, and energy levels. 

At a casual pace, walking 10,000 steps will take about 1 hour and 26 minutes.

How many calories does 15,000 steps burn?

Walking 15,000 steps will burn between 585 and 1,000 calories depending on your weight and height. It will take you about 2 hours 9 minutes to complete. 

Factors that affect steps to calories burned​

Factors that affect steps to calories burned include your body weight, height, distance, average walking speed, the duration of your walk, the terrain and individual metabolism. 

Your body weight

The greater your body mass, the more calories you’ll burn walking. 

For example, someone who weighs 170 pounds and is 5’3″ will burn about 88 calories walking 2,250 steps (a mile). If that person weighs 200 pounds, that person will burn 103 calories. 

If you want to burn more calories, consider walking with weights or adding a weighted vest.

Your height

Your height and stride length are also important in determining the distance covered and the subsequent calories burnt. Modern fitness trackers measure the steps in a mile or kilometer. 

Distance walked

The distance traveled, or the total number of steps taken affects your energy expenditure (the calories burned).

If an individual with an average weight and height walks 1,000 steps, the number of calories burned is around 50. If they walk 5,000 steps, it jumps to 248kcal and the calories in 10000 steps can be close to 500kcal depending on your height and weight. So, the more distance you walk, the more steps to calories you burn.

Doctors and fitness experts emphasize walking 10,000 steps per day  [9] but even as little as 2 miles a day, can improve your health if it’s consistent.

Average walking speed

Maintaining a brisk average walking speed can increase the calories you burn. The average walking pace is 2.5 to 4 miles per hour. Brisk walking refers to walking quickly, i.e., 3 to 3.5 mph. 

Brisk walking increases the exercise intensity and helps to burn more calories. It’s also associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic health complications.  [10]

The duration of your walk

The time you spend doing physical activity also impacts the total number of calories you burn. With a longer walking duration, you increase your number of steps and the number of calories burned. 

However, don’t underestimate the health benefits of more frequent, shorter walks. If you have a busy schedule, fitting in 5 shorter walks throughout the week, will be just as beneficial as 1 long walk over the weekends. 

The terrain

You’ll burn more calories if you increase your exercise intensity by varying the terrain. For example, adding a few hills or climbing stairs will burn more calories.

It also helps to strengthen your leg and hip muscles. Plus adding variety to your daily walk can help prevent boredom, and the challenge might increase your motivation. 

Individual metabolism

Metabolism varies from person to person, individual differences in body composition, hormonal profiles, and other physiological factors can all impact on your actual calories burned walking.

Health benefits of walking

Walking is one of the best activities to improve your health.

It can help you lose weight, increase your fitness, reduce the risk of heart disease, and help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

It’s also beneficial in managing stress and improving your mental health. ​

Here are a few of the many health benefits of regular walking.

Walking can help you lose weight and keep it off

Walking is a low-impact activity that can help you burn off extra calories and lose excess fat. To burn more calories, increase your pace or add in a few hills. Regular walking will also help strengthen your muscles and improve your metabolism. 

Walking is easy to do and only requires a good pair of shoes. It’s ideal for those who are new to exercise and would like to improve their health and fitness.

Steps to calories quick facts

It can increase your fitness level

Walking is a cardiovascular activity. Walking regularly can improve your fitness level. You can increase your heart rate and energy expenditure on your walk by upping the pace and adding some hills. It will also boost your metabolism which can help you burn more calories even when you’re not exercising.

Improved spinal health

Walking is good for your spine health especially if you have proper walking posture. Here are some of the ways walking is good for your back.  [6]

  • It encourages increased spinal movement.
  • It helps to reduce muscle tension in the glutes and hip area.
  • Walking mobilizes the joints in the hips and spine.
  • It helps to nourish the discs of the spine which promotes better health and healing if you’ve injured your back.

Blood sugar control

Walking increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin which helps control blood sugar levels. Regular walking can help with the management of conditions such as Type 2 diabetes because it lowers blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of complications, and improves overall well-being.

Improved heart health and blood circulation

Walking strengthens the heart muscle, boosts the heart rate, improves circulation, and reduces the risk of developing heart disease and stroke. 

One of the world’s largest studies on the benefits of walking found that just a minimum of 2,337 steps a day can reduce the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.  [3]

Regular walking can also help lower the levels of ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) while increasing the levels of ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL), thereby promoting heart health.  [4]

It can help regulate blood pressure

Walking regularly can help regulate blood pressure levels. Some studies indicate that regular walking can help reduce systolic blood pressure.  [5]

This decreases the risk of hypertension and lowers the risk of stroke and heart attacks.

Reduced stress and improved mental health

Walking can help reduce stress levels, boost your mood, and promote mental well-being. 

Walking in nature has been shown to calm the stress-related regions of the brain.  [7]

Tips to increase your daily step count​

One study found that even a minimum step count of 2,337 has health benefits, not surprisingly researchers also found that the more steps you walk, the better.  [3]

In fact, they found that the health benefits of walking continued to increase the more people walked (even past 20,000 steps) and they didn’t find an upper limit to indicate what would be considered as walking “too much.” 

While not all of us have schedules that allow us to walk longer distances, there are ways to get more steps into your daily step count which of course will result in more calories burned.

1. Choose the parking spot that the farthest away

One of the easiest ways to get more steps into your day is to choose the parking that is the farthest away from your destination. You’ll naturally need to walk a longer distance to get to the shop or your work. 

2. Take the stairs

Choosing to take the stairs instead of the elevator will help add more steps to your daily count plus burn off calories. As a bonus, it will also strengthen your leg muscles.

3. Walk during breaks

Take a quick walk during lunch or work breaks. Even a short 10-minute walk can help increase your step count and will help improve your energy levels.

4. Walking meetings

Take a quick walk during lunch or work breaks. Even a short 10-minute walk can increase your step count and will help improve your energy levels.

5. Walk while on the phone

If you are in a safe location, walk or pace while you are on the phone. Always be aware of safety, so we recommend avoiding this if you are in public or on the road. 

6. Take walking breaks while watching TV

During commercial breaks, get up and walk around your house or apartment. It will help improve your circulation plus add to your step count.

7. Get a fitness tracker

A fitness device or tracker can help make you more aware of your daily step count. Plus, for some of them, you can set reminders to stand up and walk about.


How many normal steps does it take to burn 1 calorie?

It takes about 20 – 25 steps to burn 1 calorie. This can vary depending on your weight and height but, in general, it’s a good estimate to use.

How many steps to burn 500 calories per day?

To burn 500 calories daily, the average person must walk around 10,000 to 11,000 steps. But remember, this can vary due to a number of factors. If you want to have a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day, it’s best to eat 500 calories less than to try to burn 500 calories through activity.

How many steps to lose one pound of fat?

There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat.

To burn just a pound of fat, you must walk 70,000 to 77,000 steps. That means you would need to walk about 11,500 steps for seven days to burn one pound of fat.

Does walking 5,000 steps count as exercise?

Yes, if you walk 5,000 steps 5 days a week, you’ll be getting more than the recommended 150 minutes of moderate exercise.

Can I lose weight by walking 5,000 steps a day?

Yes, you can. While the weight loss might be gradual if you don’t adjust your diet, burning extra calories consistently can help. For best results, adjust your diet.


Articles on CaloriesBurnedHQ are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  1. Body Measurements – National Center for Health Statistics
  2. The Acute Effects of Interrupting Prolonged Sitting Time in Adults with Standing and Light-Intensity Walking on Biomarkers of Cardiometabolic Health in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
  3. The association between daily step count and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: a meta-analysis
  4. The relationship between walking speed and changes in cardiovascular risk factors during a 12-day walking tour to Santiago de Compostela: a cohort study
  5. The effect of walking on blood pressure control
  6. A Systematic Review of the Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain
  7. How nature nurtures: Amygdala activity decreases as the result of a one-hour walk in nature
  8. The Height-Adaptive Parameterized Step Length Measurement Method and Experiment Based on Motion Parameters
  9. Evidence behind 10,000 steps walking
  10. Walking pace is associated with lower risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality
  11. Compendium of physical activities: an update of activity codes and MET intensities