How Many Steps in a Mile 🚶 Walking & Running Steps by Height and Pace

Written by Gareth Chapman

On average there are 2,250 steps in a mile.

However, this figure will vary from one person to the next. There are a number of factors affecting the number of steps in a mile, such as gender, height,  and speed.

Use the calculator below to get a custom estimate of the steps in a mile for you.

Steps to Miles Calculator


Average steps in a mile

steps in a mile

On average there are 2,250 steps in a mile. This means 560 steps is a quarter mile and 1,125 steps is a half mile. If you walk on a track, read: how many laps around a track is a mile.

Continuing to scale up, doing 10,000 steps would be 4.4 miles, 20,000 steps is 8.9 miles and 30,000 steps is 13.3 miles. The number of calories burned will also increase, for example, you can expect to burn 200 – 500 calories in 10000 steps and around half of that for 5000 steps. 

As you’ll see with the calculator above, this figure can change quite drastically depending primarily on your height and speed. For example, children will have more steps in a mile than adults. For more on this, read: How many steps in a mile for a child?

The Impact of Stride Length

Your stride length, which is the distance from the heel of your front foot to the toe of your back foot, is the most accurate indicator of how many steps you’ll take over a specific distance. 

step length to calculate how many steps in a mile

For example, a shorter stride will yield more steps, but you will walk fewer miles in the same amount of time than someone with a more considerable stride length. Therefore, knowing your stride length can help you get a closer estimate on how many steps it will take you to walk a mile. 

Measuring your stride length is a simple task that can be done in a few different ways. The simplest way to measure your stride is by wetting the soles of your shoes and taking a few steps on dry concrete. Then, you just have to measure the distance from the toe of your back foot to the heel of your front foot and you’ll have your stride length. 

wet footprints for step length to calculate miles

You can also determine your stride length by walking a set distance and counting as you go. Then, you can divide the number of feet walked by the number of steps you took. This method works for short and long distances, although walking a longer distance will give you a more accurate measurement. The only downside to this method is that it can be easy to lose count.

Fitness bands, which are worn around your wrist or ankle and monitor things such as heart rate and physical activity, have a built-in pedometer to calculate your daily steps. These bands are great tools for keeping track of your daily step count and will also convert it into the distance you’ve walked. For example, if you’ve wondered how many steps in 3 miles or 4 miles, your fitness band will give you the answer. 

These devices calculate the distance you’ve walked based on the number of steps you take per day. Unfortunately, they use a preset stride length to do so, which doesn’t always match what the wearer’s stride length actually is. Fortunately, that preset is easy enough to change.

If you’d like your device to give you an accurate estimation of how many steps you’ll need to take each day to reach your goal, you should set the pedometer in your device to reflect your specific stride length. Setting your pedometer is easy to do and will allow your device to give you accurate information.

Men vs Women's steps

Average Steps Per Mile for Men

The average man is 5 feet, 9 inches tall. A man of that height takes approximately 2,211 steps walking a mile. Therefore, to achieve 10,000 steps per day, that man would need to walk about 4.5 miles.

Average Steps Per Mile for Women

The average height for a woman is 5 feet 4 inches, and she can walk approximately 2,315 steps per mile. To reach a goal of 10,000 steps, a woman would need to walk 4.3 miles.

Comparing men vs women's steps per mile

The average woman only needs to walk 4.3 miles to get 10K steps, vs 4.5 miles for the average man.

Men and women take a significantly different number of steps walking per mile, even when they’re the same height.

But the taller you are…..either male or female, the fewer steps it takes you to walk a mile.

Walking steps per mile by height for men vs women

How Many Steps Should You Walk a Day?

Most people walk about 3,000-4,000 steps per day, which is roughly 1.5-2 miles. Most of this walking is not intended for exercise, though. It includes going up and down the stairs, walking through the grocery store, and walking to the bathroom.

To increase your daily step count, you will need to incorporate other means of walking. Even a shorter distance, can have health benefits… read How many miles is 5000 steps for more on this.

how many steps should you walk a day

10,000 steps a day is a widely used goal. Walking at a normal to fast pace, you’ll do 10,000 steps within 60 to 80 minutes. For most people this will work out at 300 to 500 calories burned.

So 10,000 steps a day for a week works out at burning up to 3,500 calories, which is equivalent to a pound of fat. 

To work out your exact calories burned, use this easy steps to calories calculator.

If you aren’t sure how to get your daily steps in, you could try any of the following:

  • Take more prolonged or more frequent walks with your dog
  • Park as far from the store and building entrances as you can
  • Take a walk on your lunch break
  • Use the stairs instead of an elevator or escalator
  • Invest in a treadmill
  • Walk to your destination whenever possible

How Many Steps Should You Take by Age?

Although a reasonable daily goal is 10,000 steps, your age can contribute to what you should set for your goal. A study conducted by Caterine Tudor-Locke revealed that the average adult walks approximately 6,500 steps per day. However, the number of steps you should walk per day to remain active varies significantly with age.

In order to remain active, children should walk approximately 12,000 steps per day, and adults should walk between 7,000-10,000. If you’re over 65, you should aim for 3,000-10,000 steps per day.

10K, 20K & 30K steps a day

Will walking 10,000 steps help me lose weight?

Walking 4-5 miles, or 10,000 steps, per day provides a great aerobic workout. If you stick to a regular routine of 4-5 miles per day, not only can you lose weight, but according to W.W. Tigbe, walking can also keep your blood sugar and metabolism in check. A healthy metabolism helps your body continue to work toward your weight loss goals when you stop exercising for the day.

If you would like to increase your step count, a study conducted by Umar Chaudhry revealed that using a pedometer each day to keep track of your steps can actually help you increase how much you walk and if you gradually add steps, you’ll soon be hitting 12,000 steps a day. 

This is because visualizing your step count as it increases can actually help motivate you to walk more. In addition, seeing your progress can also help you achieve your goals because you won’t have to guess how many more steps you’ll need to take.

Slowly increasing your step count will also add to the miles. For more, see how many miles is 13,000 steps.

How Long Does It Take to Walk 10,000 Steps?

The length of time it takes to walk 10,000 steps per day is dependent on a number of factors. For example, if you take an evening walk to reach your goal, you can easily control your speed, getting your steps in as quickly or slowly as you’d like. 

On the other hand, walking can also be a passive exercise. This means you can get your steps in easily just by going about your daily routine, such as taking the dog for a walk or walking through the grocery store.

The industry in which you work can have a significant effect on your step count, too. Certain industries, such as hospitality or healthcare, are often dependent on a considerable amount of walking. For example, if you work in a fast-paced restaurant or busy hospital, you might power-walk throughout most of your shift. 

According to a study done by the Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute, waiters walk an average of 22,778 steps per day, and nurses walk an average of 16,390. If you assume these steps are mostly taken during an 8-hour shift, wait staff walk approximately 2,847 steps per hour, which is just over the one-mile mark for the average man or woman. Nurses come in at just under one mile per hour with approximately 2,048 steps.

Although these workers are able to get their steps in each day without much-added effort, it still takes the full length of their shifts to do so. If you would like to reach your goal in one shot, it would take you approximately one hour and forty minutes of non-stop walking in order to walk 10,000 steps. This is, of course, dependent on stride length and endurance.

See how long does it take to walk a mile to work out how long it will take you to walk any number of miles. 

How Far Do I Have to Walk to Reach My Goal?

10,000 Steps a Day 

A 10,000 step day is the same as walking approximately five miles per day. You can reach this goal by walking around the block a few times before going into the office or your home, using the stairs as often as possible, and taking evening walks after dinner to wind down. 

See more about a 10K steps a day goal and how far it is in how many miles is 10,000 steps a day

20,000 Steps a Day

A 20,000 step day averages out to roughly nine miles. As indicated above, if you work as a server in a busy restaurant, 20,000 steps could be achieved quite easily. However, if you don’t hold a job that facilitates a lot of walking, you could incorporate a treadmill into your routine to get more steps in at the end of the day.

See more about a 20K steps a day goal and how far it is in how many miles is 20,000 steps a day?

30,000 Steps a Day

A 30,000 step day is approximately thirteen miles, which you could achieve if you walked the entire length of Manhattan. However, considering a walk of that distance likely isn’t feasible for most people, this comparison indicates that you would need to incorporate one or two longer walks into your daily routine to reach your goal. 

How many miles do you walk a year?

10,000 Steps a Day for a Year

If you took 10,000 steps every day for an entire year, you would have walked approximately 1,587 miles or 397 city blocks. In that length of time, you could walk the length of Manhattan 101 times. 

20,000 Steps a Day for a Year

A 20,000 step day for one year would be roughly 3,147 miles traveled, or 787 city blocks. To put this number into further perspective, the Atlantic Ocean is approximately 3,000 miles wide at its widest point. 

30,000 Steps a Day for a Year

If you were to walk 30,000 steps per day, you would have walked the equivalent of 4,745 miles, or 1,186 city blocks, after one year. You could reach this distance by hiking the Appalachian Trail, which runs from Georgia to Maine, twice.


On average there are 2,250 steps in a mile

Two miles is about 4,500 steps.

On average there are 2,250 steps in a mile, so on average 5,000 steps is roughly just under 2 miles

Aim to walk 10,000 steps a day. Use the calculator to see how far that is for you

Walking longer.

If you take a longer walk, it might take you a bit more time, but it’s easier on your body and still gives you a lot of the same health perks as walking super fast. Plus, going for longer walks can help you build up your stamina, so you can eventually trek even further.


  • On average there are 2,250 steps in a mile
  • Walking can be a great and simple daily workout
  • Not only will you lose weight, but your health will also reap the benefits in numerous other ways.
  • Although 10,000 steps a day may seem like a lot, you’ll be surprised just how easy it is to reach your goal once you get started.