Walking 2 miles daily is a sustainable exercise plan for many people and has considerable benefits. There are approximately 4,500 steps in a 2-mile walk.
This article covers everything you need to know including how many steps are in 2 miles, the number of calories burned in a 2-mile walk, and whether it is enough to help you lose weight and improve your health.
What is the best way to count steps?
The best way to count your steps on your routine walks is to wear a device (such as a Fitbit or pedometer) or use a smartphone app. Both wearables and smartphones calculate each step you take and estimate the distance you’ve traveled during your walk or steps you covered during the day.
Although there are advantages to both, a new study has shown that smartphone apps are just as accurate as wearable devices. So if you don’t have a wearable device right now, you can still start counting your steps using your phone.
What is 2 miles in steps?
If you take regular walks, you may occasionally wonder how many steps you take when you walk a mile.
However, it is impractical to count each step you take if you don’t have a pedometer or smartphone, so let’s save you the trouble and start with the average number of steps in a mile.
How many steps is a mile?
There are approximately 2,250 steps in a mile. However, this figure does not apply to everyone, as the number of steps you take depends on various physical factors such as height and gender.
Consequently, the number of steps you take may be higher or lower than the presented figure.
What is 2 miles in steps walking?
If you walk 2 miles, you will likely take approximately 4,500 steps to cover the distance.
Nonetheless, the number of steps you take depends on your stride. If you have a long stride, you will take fewer steps.
What is 2 miles running in steps?
Typically, people take longer strides running than when they walk, so you are likely to take fewer steps when you run.
In this regard, if you run 2 miles, you will take around 3,000 steps to cover the distance. Despite the fewer steps, running is a great way to keep fit.
Top FAQ for steps in 2 miles
Below are a few of the more popular questions regarding the number of steps in 2 miles.
How far is 2 miles in Fitbit steps?
Fitbit devices calculate the distance you travel by factoring in the number of steps you take and the length of your stride.
On average, a 5-foot person with a 25-inch stride will take around 5,000 Fitbit steps to cover 2 miles. The number of steps may vary according to the length of your stride.
How many steps is 2 miles for a woman?
Due to physical differences, women typically take more steps than men to cover the same distance.
A woman of average height with a stride length of 2.2 feet will take around 4,650 steps to cover 2 miles, assuming she maintains a regular walking speed.
How long is 2 miles in steps — time
The time it takes to cover 2 miles depends on how fast you take each step. If you walk casually at the average walking speed of 3 miles an hour, it will take approximately half an hour to cover the distance.
Thirty minutes and about 4,600 steps after taking off, you will have covered 2 miles. For a better idea, use this calculator at how long does it take to walk a mile to estimate how long it will take you to walk 2 miles.
How much is 2 miles in steps — calories
Every time you walk to exercise, you burn calories which can add up to help you lose extra body fat.
Suppose you walk 2 miles, you will burn 140 to 240 extra calories by the end of your walk. You will burn around 700 to 1,200 calories should you continue the exercise daily for 5 days. To make things easier, use this steps to calories calculator to estimate the calories you burn walking.
Is walking 2 miles a day enough exercise?
Walking is generally a great way to keep fit and healthy, especially after long periods of inactivity. It burns calories, reduces body fat, and lowers the risk of developing lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases.
As such, if you regularly walk to exercise, you may wonder whether your 2-mile walk is adequate.
Most experts agree that walking 2 miles daily is enough exercise to keep fit and remain healthy. Walking 2 miles a day burns around 140 to 240 calories which translates to a loss of about 700 to 1200 extra calories if you conduct the exercise daily for 5 days.
The loss of calories every time you walk is a great way to maintain a stable body mass index, which is essential to keeping healthy.
Even without a significant change in diet, you could lose considerable extra weight with daily 2-mile walks if you build it into your routine. It will help you shed the excess fat and feel more comfortable in your body.
Moreover, according to the CDC, adults should achieve around 150 minutes of moderate exercise to keep healthy and prevent lifestyle diseases.
Walking 2 miles is a mild exercise that takes about 30 minutes — a doable time for even the busiest of people! If you walk just 30 minutes a day for 5 days, you’ll get in sufficient exercise according to the above guideline. Aim to walk every day for 30 minutes and you’ll be well above 150 minutes.
How many miles a day should I walk?
Walking is a good option for beginners or those who might have health conditions due to its low intensity and numerous health benefits.
If you choose walking as your preferred exercise model, you should eventually aim to take 10,000 steps a day. For an average person, this roughly translates to 5 miles if you walk at a moderate speed.
That being said, starting gradually (like this quick start walking program for beginners) and then building up to the 5 miles as you become fitter is a great way to improve your health.
- How many steps is 2 miles? Approximately 4,500
- The best way to count your steps is to use a wearable fitness device or a smartphone app
- Walking for 2 miles will take approximately 30 minutes
- A daily 2-mile walk for 5 days will give you 150 minutes of exercise which will improve your health, help you lose weight, and reduce your risk of health conditions.