
Steps to calories

Steps to Calories Calculator

Steps to calories calculator – Enter your weight, height and step count to easily work out how many calories burned from any amount of steps

How long to walk 10000 steps

How Long to Walk 10000 Steps?

How long to walk 10000 steps? It depends on your speed. Find out how long it takes to walk 10000 steps plus recommended step count per age.

how many miles is 5000 steps

How Many Miles is 5000 Steps?

How many miles is 5000 steps? Walking 5000 steps is an achievable goal. Find out the distance, how long it takes plus the calories burned.

How Many Miles Is 20000 Steps

How Many Miles Is 20,000 Steps

The number of miles in 20,000 steps depends on the step length taken. Find out how many miles are in 20000 steps along with the health benefits of 20K steps